Mr Tuo Li, who is studying for an MSc in International Accounting and Finance, and Mr Kenny Kung who is studying for a BA in Accounting and Finance, are this year’s recipients of the Lo Family Scholarship in Kent Business School. The Lo Family Scholarship ensures that Kent Business School can continue to educate the best and brightest students, irrespective of their personal and family circumstances.
The Scholarship was founded in 2012, thanks to a generous donation from Mr and Mrs Sammy Lo, and supports students from Hong Kong and China studying at Kent Business School.
Professor Martin Meyer, Director of Kent Business School, said “we are delighted to have made the first Lo Family Scholarship awards this year, and we are hugely grateful to the Lo Family for their support. One of Kent Business School’s strengths is its global network of alumni and supporters and, as we approach the School’s 25 anniversary in 2016, we look forward to working more closely with this important group. Our staff and students benefit hugely from the time and expertise provided by alumni, and those who provide philanthropic support are also valuable members of our community. Our supporters work in partnership with us to achieve our goal ensuring our students receive a quality international business education, supported by research excellence and a global outlook.”
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